Over the last decade, the rapid expansion of technology, the Internet, and social media platforms has increased the opportunities for people to partake in infidelity-related behaviors online, presenting new challenges for couples. Internet infidelity, however, looks different for every individual and every couple. Couple therapists must help clients define and identify boundaries and values surrounding these matters in their relationships. For the most part, internet infidelity treatment mirrors strategies conventionally used to treat offline infidelity. There is also a need to adapt and apply treatment strategies specific to target the unique electronic context of internet infidelity. While current strategies for treating Internet infidelity have proven useful, they should not be considered exhaustive, and further research and refinement of existing strategies are necessary. Furthermore, additional approaches should continue to be developed and evaluated for effectiveness. This chapter aims to advance the treatment of internet infidelity. Specifically, we will provide a framework for therapists to 1) conceptualize these cases congruent with the couple’s understanding of their unique relationship rules, 2) assess the extent of the betrayal as well as the impact on the relationship qualities, and 3) effectively treat this phenomenon.