In this chapter, the editors interview Dr. Helen Fisher, who provides valuable insights into the complex topic of infidelity. Dr. Fisher explores the evolutionary perspective on infidelity, emphasizing that humans may have evolved with a predisposition to engage in infidelity for various reasons. Additionally, she delves into the impact of modern relationship expectations and the role of medications, like SSRIs, which can influence infidelity. Furthermore, Dr. Fisher discusses her research on the different temperament styles linked with brain systems and their potential correlation with infidelity. She suggests that specific personality traits may predispose individuals to be more or less inclined to cheat. The conversation also addresses the influence of COVID-19 on relationships and infidelity rates. Dr. Fisher suggests that, despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, people seem more committed to long-term partnerships. In summary, the interview offers a comprehensive exploration of infidelity, encompassing evolutionary, psychological, and biological aspects while also considering the impact of evolving relationship dynamics and technology.