There is no doubt that teachers’ well-being is becoming a vital topic nowadays as educators and policymakers are starting to realize the impact of teacher well-being on the quality of teachers’ lives and the quality of teaching and learning. To teach and support their students’ learning, teachers need to take care of themselves first. If teachers are happy, comfortable and safe, this will positively impact their performance. In general, teachers’ well-being refers to their general positive emotions and feelings, which are reflected in their performance inside the classroom. One of the most important factors influencing teachers’ behavior is job satisfaction. However, other factors like the classroom atmosphere and the students’ attitudes are also important and should be considered. This chapter will discuss the general definition of teachers’ well-being and shed light on its importance for university-level teachers. Best practices for university-level teachers will also be revealed. Finally, the authors will share recommendations and strategies to improve teachers’ well-being.