The story of Western education in Cameroon is often synchronised with the chequered political history of the country, whose seventy-seven years of colonial rule, from 1884 to 1960, under the three Great Powers, Germany, France and Britain, with their considerable differences in colonial policies, administrative tactics, social behaviour and educational philosophies, have left behind systems of education so extremely rich in diversity that harmonisation into a single system is not an easy task. Cameroon combines a diverse indigenous culture with a diverse heritage from history. For sixty-seven years, from 1844 to 1910, responsibility for education and the education policy to be applied in the mission field of Cameroon was often entirely determined by the mother house or home board of the missionary societies which sent out missionaries to Cameroon. With the reorganisation of teacher education in 1974/5 there are two main categories of teacher training colleges in the United Republic of Cameroon.