The scoping chapter synthesizes existing primary-source FGM literature on all physical and mental health–related morbidity. Using eight databases and two independent researchers, 6,529 English-language primary-source journal articles appeared, of which 257 met inclusion criteria. A descriptive summary organized by themes of FGM-related morbidity (psychological/emotional or physiological), clinical presentations (symptoms), and author affiliations is presented. This first synthesis of all primary-source reported health concerns related to FGM strongly supports the need for a specialized and multidisciplinary approach for these patients. Literature on morbidity due to FGM is multidisciplinary and spans providers globally. A growing body of evidence for physical and emotional complications from FGM exists. This increased awareness and representation in the literature call for the need to shift from observational and descriptive to interventional and outcome-based studies, which can more directly guide those clinicians working with survivors of FGM. Global registries could facilitate a better understanding of where these patients live, what provider they present to, the common symptoms, and the health care received. However, the stigma, violence, and private nature of FGM make efforts like registries difficult, if not impossible, as there are potential threats to the safety of these individuals.