The “Spanish flu” of 1918 was intensely debated in the press, in which different medical professionals actively participated; the authors propose to investigate their presence in the press. The authors study and analyze their arguments and opinions in light not only of the socio-health and political crisis of 1918 but also of the previous health situation in Spain since 1900. The cholera epidemics in Europe during the 19th century already provided the State and doctors with “the opportunity to interfere more and more in public life”. In eloquent words of María Isabel Porras, “This is what happened in our country during the pandemic, which once again highlighted the health backwardness and the need for modernization, but also of the social and economic deficiencies”. From Pittaluga’s words, the process of modernization of the public health administration since the end of the 19th century with the incorporation of good technicians and professionals, especially in provincial and municipal administrations, is indirectly revealed.