Water is an essential nutrient and the physiological basis of hydration. This chapter reviews the importance of hydration for athletes. During exercise, the body cools itself by sweating, which results in the loss of body fluid. If this fluid loss is not replaced, it can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can influence cardiovascular and thermoregulatory functions which may negatively affect physical and cognitive performance. Consequently, monitoring and managing hydration status is critical for athletes. A variety of fluid monitoring tools exist, with the most appropriate method dictated by contextual factors such as time, technical expertise, cost, and practicality. Recommendations for fluid intakes before, during, and following exercise should consider a range of factors including (1) the physiological demands of the sport, (2) environmental conditions, (3) an individual’s tolerance for food and fluid pre/during/post-exercise, (4) the immediate requirements for refuelling, and (5) the athlete’s overall dietary goals.