Police are traditionally entrusted with the tasks of maintaining law and order and prevention of crime in society. However, in recent times, due to an unprecedented situation created by the global Covid-19 pandemic, there is a growing realisation that it is much more than that. India has a population of 1.3 billion, with a very poor medical infrastructure. Police as first responders were expected to perform unconventional duties for which they were neither prepared nor trained. This chapter examines the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the response from the police. The study concludes that police in India went beyond the call of duty and performed their tasks during Covid-19 admirably. Despite facing adverse situations, police showed empathy towards the people helping one and all revealing human face of police in India. The need of the hour is to build on this experience and transform the Indian police by introducing reforms on long term basis. The police leadership has a crucial role to play in this endeavour.