New challenges ask for new approaches and solutions, which are much more transformative and exorbitant than the existing ones. This is what Enactus, SSBUICET (Dr S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology), Panjab University, Chandigarh, a student, has tried to accomplish by helping those in distress. This chapter begins with the vision of Enactus, an International Non-Profit Organisation, a community of students, academia and business leaders committed to using the power of social entrepreneurship to transform lives and to make the world a better place. It then covers the two projects of Enactus SSBUICET, namely Dhra and Uday. The two-fold objective of Project Uday is to employ semi-skilled underprivileged women for stitching cloth-based products as replacements for plastic alternatives and to mitigate plastic pollution. Project Dhra aims to replace plasticware with earthenware simultaneously helping out the potter community. Finally, the initiatives taken by the Enactus SSBUICET team during the difficult times of Covid-19 pandemic for helping the underprivileged communities to earn a respectable income are presented.