These unprecedented times of Covid-19 are not just challenging, but are also the battle for lives. With every coming day arrived more daunting news and a more haunting situation, because of loss of many jobs, sudden expensive medical costs, deaths (in many cases, the death of the sole earning member of the family), disruption of education, loss of small businesses etc. The very basic and peaceful life of every household has become the talk of the past. Females have always been the bearer of the household duties and their professional career as well. The whole pandemic became a much worse experience for women, as the economic crisis and social responsibility of the family fell on their shoulders. Being a homemaker is a full-time job, and with the unwarranted burden of both the inside and outside (of home) responsibilities proved to be the biggest nightmare for them. Women in the health sector and as frontline workers bore the worst brunt of this existential crisis that had clouded the world for now more than a year.