Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented, once in a century epidemic in the history of the humankind. Still into its second year, since the reporting of the first case in December 2019 in Wuhan, China; 255,324,963 confirmed cases have been reported of the contagious virus globally, although the actual number of cases could be much higher. Till date, the deaths from Covid-19 pandemic are 5,127,696 and the total vaccination doses administered globally are 7,370,902,499 (WHO, November 19, 2021). The pandemic has resulted in complex and devastating aftershocks in the form of economies plummeting, loss of jobs/livelihoods for women, increased drop-out rates of girls, increased health issues for women, gender gaps in vaccination of Covid-19, rise in crimes against women, increased mental problems like, depression and incidence of suicides, spurt in trafficking of women, exclusion of sex workers, and increased suffering of homeless children globally. In this context, the achievement of idea of “gender parity, equality and justice for all genders” globally seems a distant dream. The research paper, by applying content analysis method and lived experiences, attempts to unlock the impact of Covid-19 on women with a multidisciplinary gender lens. Suggestions for policy implementation at the global level are also delineated.