Coronavirus continues to drastically impact the world economy; the daily lives of people are changing dramatically. The people are confined to their homes, observing self-quarantine orders, cancelling their planned outings for staycations, and indulging more and more into the virtual world. As one of the worst affected industries by the pandemic, the fashion industry was forced to shut down many production units due to social distancing norms, resulting in thousands of jobless individuals. With job layoffs and salary cuts, Fashion is no longer a priority. To combat the disease, many fashion houses are creating fabric face masks and PPE kits, which can be donated to charity. Nonetheless, what are the future prospects for the fashion industry? How will it survive when the purchasing power of the average person is limited? What will be the current trends in post-coronavirus times? In the future, the fashion industry may have a number of opportunities depending mainly on how the government and society respond to the coronavirus crisis. The crisis will hopefully propel retailers to rebuild, produce something better, and be more humane.