In this article, the author suggests that although the psychic truth is elusive, transformative and in constant motion; and although we do not have direct contact with it but merely with its evolving stages – still, every a priori attempt to attain a particular modality of interpretation, every pre-planned construction and search for a formula, narrows and shuts down the psychic openness, receptiveness, movement and intuition. An informed search for a brief and concise interpretation might, as with any other construction, become a diminished and saturated intention, memory and desire.

The author maintains that an encounter with the psychic truth and the ability to formulate a meaningful, resonating interpretation should by no means be pre-constructed, whether it be shape, form, length, rhythm or temperature. She illustrates her line of thought by means of a clinical description and a poem. They both present a minimalist response, in a breath-long moment, though one is affecting, connecting and imbuing an emotional meaning; while the other is remote and distancing, isolating and tormenting.