In this chapter, a proposed rewire of GIScience is presented, which prioritises the dynamic relationship between GIS technology, its users and the places where it is employed. Drawing inspiration from humanism and its impacts on modern geographies and phenomenology of technology, a humanistic rewire of GIScience places emphasis on the ways in which GIS interacts with human experience and the creative forces that mediate between bodies and places. This reconfiguration expands its focus beyond the human realm to also include non-human actors such as animals, bots and algorithms. Central to this approach is the advocacy for new humanistic values, including the adoption of a caring stance in the creation and use of GIS applications. The perspective of care encourages empathy and understanding not only for human beings but also for the Earth and all other living beings. Through the rewiring process, GIScience can effectively address the theoretical and practical challenges that arise in a world saturated with diverse forms of geographical data.