The geographic and climatic attributes of the Kashmir Valley favor for various types of horticulture production which is a major contributor in the economy of its people. The fruit production area of all varieties spread over around 0.2 million hectares of land, of which 0.11 million hectares (more than 50%) are under apple production, engaging about 40% of all orchard-farmers. The present study has been targeted mainly on such orchardist community in the Kashmir Valley using a variety of pesticides, insecticides and other fungicides to protect plants, fruits and leaves from diseases every year. The main objective of the study was to (i) document the serious consequences of the pesticide exposure for the health of orchard farmers in Kashmir, (ii) the famers source of information about pesticides, (iii) signs and symptoms of illness related to pesticide exposure, and (iv) ascertaining the precautionary measures taken. A cross-sectional study of 1,214 orchard farmers (1,034 men and 180 women) were interviewed in the study area using a schedule and multi-structured questionnaires prepared and pre-tested.