Disruption of Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing crisis exposed entrepreneur to unprecedented levels of turmoil requiring continuous assessment and adjustments to emerging threats in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) environment, where traditional methods were weaker or no longer effective to support sustainability of their business firms. This chapter discusses a new prosocial approach entrepreneurs are adopting to effectively manage ongoing disruptions in workplace that are built on resilience and agility, two pillars of Human Centered Management, to secure personal wellbeing aligned with business sustainability. The discussion of prosocial approach in entrepreneurship evolves from studies in different disciplines that impact entrepreneurial experience. This research study explores key roles entrepreneurs played in society during the pandemic and crises deploying prosocial approaches. Findings show that prosocial approaches result in more benefits for entrepreneurs, their clients, communities and society at large during times of crisis. Prosocial approach is new and this study calls for further studies to support and strengthen entrepreneurial efforts.