The strategic psychotherapy (ST) approach had several definitions over time and was derived from the Palo Alto School in California. This approach is inspired by the study of the interactions of individuals in their relationship with themselves, others, and the environment. ST is focused on the problem within the system, the present situation, the setting flexibility, the use of strategic dialogue, the first and second-order reality, and specific strategies tailored according to the patient’s needs. Thanks to its characteristics, ST is a suitable approach to include audiovisual techniques and tools in improving positive outcomes and stimulating different mental representations of the patients. Indeed, Filmtherapy stimulates emotions through a comparison between the story and the main characters of the movie and the patient. Cinematherapy acts on the patient’s resistances and perceptions in the cinema setting, promoting a third-order reality. Therapeutic Videotaping and Documentary Videotherapy facilitate the experience of reviewing in daily life and stimulate the retrospective analysis of patients’ behaviors. The audiovisual medium and the strategic approach are moved by the same principle: the perception of the diversity of patients and the perception of the therapy as a creative act.