Separated from the African mainland by the Mozambique Channel, the world’s fourth largest island, together with several nearby islands, comprises the Democratic Republic of Madagascar. The Malagasy Republic was accordingly proclaimed on 14 October 1958, and Philibert Tsiranana became its first President. Two years later, on 26 June 1960, following Mali’s lead, the Malagasy Republic gained full independence. Ratsiraka then announced a referendum for the last month of 1975 to ratify the establishment of a second Malagasy republic, to be called the Democratic Republic of Madagascar; to approve a new Constitution; and finally to sanction Ratsiraka’s new status as President of the Republic. Ratsiraka characterises present Malagasy foreign policy as non-aligned. Minimum wages for industrial and agricultural workers are dictated by the government, and adjusted to generate greater equality between lower and higher paid workers.