Can poetic protocols generate new metaphors of the body for the patients in the context of oncology? The purpose of this chapter is to describe poetical and healing work in the psycho-oncology of a metaphorical body through the identification and mobilization of metaphors of the body in patients’ narratives after a poetic experience. The perspective is that psychic work with poetry therapy (in this case, using haiku poetry) in the presence of a working alliance with the therapist not only productively distances the patient from a medicalized narrative of illness (including symptoms, complaints, and physical pains) but also generates revitalizing and poetic metaphors of the body useful in the elaboration of existential concerns. The chapter draws on clinical situations to support this body-related poetic perspective. Quoted research is based on specific protocols, for example SADUPA is linked to the use of haiku poetry, and SANTEL is associated with a sensual poetry aimed at transforming the cancer patient’s anxiety-ridden experiences by means of new metaphors and creative imagery. This poetical perspective can bring new therapeutic horizons to psycho-oncological treatment.