Today we encounter the application of AI technology in a wide range of different places in our daily life. Artificial intelligence is already starting to play a major role in our society, and with the industry advancing more and more. With all the advantages that could come with the implementation of AI, at least some negative effects are also deemed inevitable. However, this is not an easy task considering the great uncertainty these phenomena present including the multiple numbers of possible scenarios in terms of location, probability of occurrence and impact, the difficulty in estimating the demand and supply. When you feed a machine learning system the right amount of information, it can come back to you with useful insights that may make your disaster recovery strategies more effective. Many of today’s businesses are exploring the many benefits that artificial intelligence has to offer when it comes to strengthening various forms of security. AI could use business impact analysis and risk assessment to help you see which parts of your company need better protection, and which you can accord to put less investment into. Similarly, it also concerns the safety of the natural environment or predictions that may be helpful to be known on a prior note which assessed at times can be non-accurate but it’s good to be prepared and make oneself prepared to tackle the worst. The increasing number of affected people due to disasters, the complexity, and unpredictability of these phenomena, and the different problems encountered in the planning and response in different scenarios, establish a need to find better measures and practices to reduce the human and economic loss in this kind of events. Artificial intelligence tools use technologies such as deep neural networks to find potential risks and threats that never would have occurred to us, humans. This makes it easier for the AI system to determine what kind of threats you need to protect yourself against, so you can develop a more powerful and robust plan for disaster prevention and recovery. Using predictive analytics, your artificial intelligence system may even be able to determine ahead of time when it’s likely that a process or system will fail. It will suggest precautionary measures that you can take to prevent a disaster and so our emphasis lies on the future predictions and ways to protect life and the ecological balance.