The paper focuses on studying the impact of the pandemic on the police department. The study examines the range of challenges faced by the police administration in an urban location i.e. Akola City which had a significant increase in cases in the period from 2020 to 2021. One of the key institutions after the health sector is the police force. The police force in India was crucial for enforcing lockdown in 2020 and 2021, providing relief, maintaining law and order, regulating access to limited resources like oxygen and facilitating trouble free movement of corona warriors. It is evident that the police has seen an unprecedented time in the past two years where the role of the police is not well defined while the basic principle of governance and protection remained static. The research paper intends to explore the impact of the pandemic on the police and understand the experience of Covid-19 phenomenon on an individual and professional basis. It is a qualitative research under the research methodology of phenomenology. The systems theory and network theory is used as a theoretical lens. The objective behind this study is to ensure that pandemic provides learning opportunities which can be employed to transform it into a more resilient force.