Face-to-face learning has been affected by circumstances that led to a turning point in terms of technology usage and implementations related to teaching and learning. Internet, distance learning models, and new effective technology tools play a vital role in the whole educational system. Although ample advantages appear during distance learning while implementing new tools, there are negative implications from different models. The impact is reflected on the pedagogical practices, the pace of teaching and learning in online classes, and students’ attainment. Some of the negative implications are the uncontrolled learning environment, collaboration productivity level, slower pace of lessons, technical issues, and other aspects of online education.

This chapter examines the implications of online education in private schools and its turn-on towards the educational system. Details, instructions, and reflections have been gathered and analyzed to identify several problems that can be solved by implementing technology tools that monitor students’ work in real-time with a controlled timeline for assigned tasks. All of the above lead to review and reflect on the instructional strategies and pacing of the curriculum to preserve the quality of learning in private schools.