Students have usually depended on the face-to-face notion of ESL lessons where they could discover and practice the language in a safe learning environment and build meaning through immediate communications. However, due to the current pandemic situation of Covid-19, many schools and universities shifted from physical classes to online learning. Teaching a second language is a challenging profession. There are various aspects involved in second language acquisition especially when students are attending classes online. The purpose of this research is to identify the learning strategies that students implemented and thought were more effective in developing their skills in learning English as a second language. It also highlights some of the challenges that students might face in online learning in ESL classrooms. The existing literature proposes that the usage of self-regulated learning strategies (SRL) influences student success. The research is based on Vygotsky’s (1978) and Bandura’s (1977) social learning theory. Online classes have become an integrated part of students’ education.