In early 2020, Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the education models worldwide; most of the schools moved to 100% online model for almost four months. A few months later, the schools started to implement different online and blended learning models, and it was planned that students would gradually start to have full-time face-to-face learning. How does this disruption affect their learning? is a key question for all educational leaders and other stakeholders. In addition, other concerns about emotional and social development have been raised. Do we have the needed competencies to assess this effect and minimize the negative impact on the students’ learnings?

This chapter discusses an operational “assessment-informed teaching and learning” framework that enforced integrated assessment practices in different classroom contexts: face-to-face, online, and/or blended learning approaches. Furthermore, two main phases of the assessment design process have been introduced: assessment quality and assessment use; the expected challenges to improve the teachers’ assessment practices in each phase are also discussed. The teachers need to integrate assessment practices within the teaching and learning process; to achieve the expected curriculum outcomes and enhance the low-performing students’ attainment. As a result of applying this framework, teachers and school leaders will understand the relationship between assessment tools, teaching practices, and students’ overall attainment, and invest this knowledge to develop an agile classroom assessment system.