In light of the increasingly complex world and the challenges it presents, this chapter focuses on the need and means through which young children’s emotional resilience can be fostered and holistic wellbeing supported in a collective compassionate context. With relevance to early childhood education (ECE), sustainability and global citizenship, it explores the connections between compassion, resilience and wellbeing as well as their significance for ECE in our current global climate. Through drawing on empirical studies, the importance of compassion is highlighted for supporting and sustaining emotional resilience and holistic wellbeing, which in turn enhance each other. Bringing attention to the role of positive relationships and environments, a reflection on the implications for practice in ECE is offered. By placing greater value on compassion and resilience for holistic wellbeing, young children may be better assured to be and live well, while at the same time empowered to live well together and in active support of human and nonhuman others.