The term multiliteracies (New London Group, 1996) has become widely known in global educational contexts, and now, more than 25 years after it was coined, it remains as relevant as ever. In the Brazilian context, it is well-established in education, and it has been included in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), the Brazilian Common Core Curriculum. The incorporation of multiliteracies into the BNCC highlights the relevance of preparing teachers to enact multiliteracies-based education in their classes. This chapter explores pre-service educators’ experiences with the pedagogy of multiliteracies in an English teacher education program in a public university in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this work discusses how the concept of multiliteracies has been employed to design undergraduate classes for students who are studying to become English teachers, and how this focus has contributed to their reflexive practices in connection to diversity, equity, and inclusion.