This study investigated social decadence in Yoruba society and analysed communication codes employed by Ayinla Omowura in selected song texts using narrations, codes, sociological and rhetorical slang. Using Social Responsibility Theory, Ayinla Omowura’s music was content analysed. Songs that are socio-culturally related were selected and translated from Yoruba to English language to show how the artiste embeds commentary, critique and pedagogical constructs in his music. Traditional Yoruba musicians are also evaluated by their command of the indigenous languages in observing and singing about events, personalities, personal and public current affairs as well as ordinary sonorous renditions of lyrics aimed at teaching good conduct. As in other cultures around the world, Yoruba music stands at the centre of disseminating cultural values to the next generation through the application of figures of speech as well as received wisdom on pertinent issues. Yoruba music usually leans on meaning-laden lyrics which transmit cultural values. Omowura’s music also follows the footsteps of giants before him, in terms of lyrical content and Yoruba musical forms. He also uses what was in vogue in the society to drive home his message.