This chapter delves into a part of a longitudinal research project that aimed to improve inclusive bilingual education in an underperforming primary school setting. The ultimate goal was to equip students from diverse backgrounds with the tools they need to succeed in a constantly evolving world. The project utilized cutting-edge technology to develop innovative approaches that engage students and help them learn in the best way for them. Additionally, creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment that values and supports every student was prioritized. Personalized learning plans were a vital feature of the project, catering to each student’s unique needs and learning style to ensure that all students reach their full potential. The commitment to bilingual education is fundamental to this project, as everyone should have the chance to learn in their first and second language. It is a fundamental right that should not be denied to anyone. The results of the sub-project designed and implemented over three years in a state-funded bilingual school in Guadalajara, Spain, were overwhelmingly positive, reinforcing the global project goal to expand education possibilities through quality and personalized educational technology to formal and informal learning communities. Efforts should be made across the globe to ensure that this becomes a reality. Education is crucial for both personal and societal development, with language playing a particularly important role.