This chapter explores the Earth’s capacities as a sentient, relational presence in human life. The author shares experiences he has had in which the more-than-human world has penetrated his sense of isolation and invited him into a more communal and communicative, relational world. These encounters have taken on different qualities, from expanding his sense of the world by staring into the star-filled skies, or gazing over the expanse of an ocean, to more intimate and personal encounters with a mountain or a tree, each inviting a deeper sense of belonging. The author encourages readers to invite relational connection with the places they live and the forms and beings with whom they co-exist, engaging these beings with their senses and imaginations. This is vitally important during this time of ecological crises, though it may be difficult because this requires us to do the work of healing our relationship with this world. The author discusses William deBuys’ invitation of hospicing the Earth – that is, lovingly attending to the Earth and her challenges as they arise and reducing the suffering as much as we can. We can best meet the crises we are collectively facing if we allow ourselves to be deeply and sensually touched by the Earth, her forms, and her creatures. The author emphasizes that, ultimately, what the Earth experiences is what humans experience, because humans are particular manifestations of and co-emerge with the Earth.