Mishka Hauser, a musician who gave his first concert at the age of twelve was born in Pressburg, Hungary, in 1822. His father was a close acquaintance of Beethoven. Between 1840 and 1848 he toured Europe and Russia, travelling to Siberia. Moist dew-drops shimmered like pearls and diamonds on all the leaves and grass; a blue sky smiled through the trembling light green web of foliage. Surrounded by fond memories of springtime, we followed a narrow path, seeking out hidden beauties that attracted our attention from this or that dark thicket. The ground rose to a gentle forest hill at this point, forming a small valley filled with various shrubs and flowers. The tenor and other remaining fellow travellers went off roaming through the undergrowth with their rifles, and used up their ammunition on thin air, without capturing so much as a single feather.