This chapter seeks to deepen our understanding of the impact of attachment ruptures on the developing autonomic nervous system through the lenses of Polyvagal theory. Attachment ruptures have been shown to perpetually weaken our autonomic flexibility, making it difficult to find balance in a world of safety and threat. However, experiences of play can strengthen our autonomic flexibility through a natural combination of safety and challenge in an attuned relationship, making Polyvagal-informed play therapy an ideal approach to healing attachment trauma. Illustrating the therapeutic power of play, Polyvagal-informed play therapy applications are described and applied in a case study. These applications take a Polyvagal-informed approach to play therapy, helping us acknowledge the impact of attachment ruptures on our ability to feel safe, equip caregivers to coregulate with their children in the repair of these ruptures, and strengthen our autonomic flexibility through the nurturing bond of safety in connection.