The chapter aims to describe and evaluate the significant interdisciplinary work done to textualize and preserve oral traditions by the Centre for Karbi Studies and the Karbi Lammet Amei in Karbi Anglong, Assam. Roopika Risam writes of “the need for the creation of new methods, tools, projects, and platforms to undo the epistemic violence of colonialism and fully realize a decolonized digital humanities” (Risam 2018). Given the history of discrimination and negation of Indigenous communities in the Northeast, the process of archiving and documentation has been a slow and tenuous process. The Karbi Lammet Amei and the Centre for Karbi Studies have worked on the creation and development of Indigenous value systems through constant engagement with Indigenous literature, art, and cultural practices as part of lived experiences. The chapter would create a space for dialogue between theory and practice and offer new readings/frameworks of Karbi artistic practices.