This chapter introduces the content of the book by providing a literature review on borders and boundaries, the book’s rationale and approach to the subject. First, the chapter discusses why borders and boundaries have gained attention recently due to the changes in political, social, and technological realms. As the chapter delves into the history of borders and boundaries, the reader can see how they are as old as the history of civilisation. The chapter demonstrates borders and boundaries at the individual level, used to define the self and distinguish our identities and bodies from the rest. In the broader realm, we see borders between neighbourhoods, cities, and countries which face problems such as climate change and political conflicts leading people to move across and beyond borders.

The chapter continues with the rationale of the book, which aims at demonstrating the process of making, unmaking, and remaking borders and boundaries in different geographies. The book regards space as a relational and non-fixed realm, reflecting diverse cultures and identities, which are intersectional and multiple. The chapter gives the reader a comprehensive knowledge about the complex and diverse world of borders and boundaries. Borders are visible, and boundaries are non, but both segregate and connect us. These two concepts intersect in all facets of our daily lives, historically and across the world.