Comprising over 17,000 islands, 1,340 ethnic groups, and 700 spoken languages, Indonesia is the 14th-largest country by area, with a population of around 280 million people. The Indonesian 2021 Criminal Statistics Publication provides a macro-overview of the current security situation in Indonesia based on Police Registration Data, National Socio-economic Survey, and Village Potential Data (the Central Statistics Agency/Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). Although this shows a decline in total crimes and the crime rate in 2020, Indonesia is still facing a serious challenge with prison overcrowding, which the Indonesian Minister of Law has attributed to the placement of people who use drugs in prisons, rather than in rehabilitation centres. More than half (54.6%) of the prisoner population in Indonesia is incarcerated for crimes associated with drug use. The chapter explores and describes Indonesian perspectives on criminal behaviour, the criminal justice system, rehabilitation practices, other instruments of law used for rehabilitation, and the application of the Risk-Need-Responsivity and Good Lives Models in rehabilitating people who have offended in Indonesia.