Region could be conceived an emergent, bottom-up effect materially co-constructed by different spatio-temporal performances of human and non-human beings that act within it. There is no reason to maintain the duality of natural/artificial but conceive region in a broader sense by de-centering humans’ representations and including non-human beings, phenomena and their mediations in its construction. Artefacts of study are selected votive offerings dedicated to the Nymphs inside Hellenic cave shrines. Every votive offering conceived as a media artefact is a unique narrating device that materializes the never-ending “cultural” and “natural” mediations/inscriptions/performances that participates in it. Different modes of meaning materialisation (matter, form, seriality) are added in the design protocol. Based on these modes, molds are designed within which the new bio-material is deposited (Figures 19.1, 19.2, 19.3).