Writing is most commonly used in educational settings to present, explain, and analyse what has been learnt and as a tool to assess learning. In this chapter, I articulate and demonstrate a pedagogical orientation in which writing is inquiry. Un-disciplining writing from regimented, normative and schooled practices provides opportunities to expand and imagine both forms and uses of writing to inquire into an (un)FOR-see-able rather than writing as a representation of what has been learned. Through a pedagogy emphasising conceptions of writing as embodied and materially mediated, writing as trace, and writing as encounter, forms of writing are reimagined as dynamic productions of (be)coming. Drawing on posthuman theorising, the purposes and uses of writing are reimagined, too, emphasising writing to explore affective investments, to break material-discursive dualisms, and to hone experimental and fugitive modes of expression through which we might orchestrate a pedagogy of writing into the life-heart-work of inquiry.