The Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) of Azania is a national liberation movement that fought for the overthrow of white domination or settler colonialism, and for the implementation and maintenance of the right to self-determination and social emancipation of the African majority. The PAC had accepted to participate in the new dispensation due to the consensus arrived at by all the negotiating parties, despite its reservations about some of the provisions of the new constitution—especially the property clause that entrenches the status quo of land dispossession, formalised by the Natives Land Act 27 of 1913. The Anti-Pass Positive Action Campaign was launched on the morning of March 21, 1960, with the aim of ending the pass laws—the heart of the apartheid system. Africanism takes the view that the liberation of Africans must be achieved by Africans themselves. From this logic emanate the policy and strategy of self-reliance in thought and action.