The arrival to presidential power of Mauricio Macri at the head of the electoral coalition Cambiemos was a new landmark in the development of Argentine democracy. For the first time since the founding date of 1983, a president who was neither a Peronist nor a Radical candidate had acceded to the executive branch. A centre-right force of local origin, in alliance with the centenary Radical Party, inaugurated a new cycle of political rotation in the country in October 2015. The aim of this chapter is to explain this process through two axes of analysis: the study of the social, political and corporate actors that served as the political supports for the electoral project of Cambiemos and the consideration of the imaginaries that this force mobilised through its campaign discourses to seduce and persuade the electorate. Finally, a brief description of the central public policies distinguishing the Macrista government will allow us to justify its ideological inscription and analyse a new era of political polarisation in the Argentine democratic regime.