The second chapter is a text written with great subtlety and intimacy; and it indicates a fundamental human temperament, namely, our capacity to wait: waiting as a name that expresses what is most unique to each of us. And such a condition of waiting was radically accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. And, now, we can see the human as much more radical than a classical neurotic, but crossing the boundary of neurosis and thus the waiting of psychosis, a waiting in the face of the Real itself. And so, together with Wenders and his marvellous work Paris, Texas (1984), we try to understand this psychotised waiting and in this way we speak of an operative psychosis that allows us to transgress what has been imposed on us as the obvious and in an unreflective way, a-historical and without any materiality whatsoever. And if we remain in this waiting, it is possible for the necessary changes to take place in each one of us and, in this, in the social itself. Only in a waiting that is maintained as such, can this neurotised life in which we live all day long in the immediacy of the symbolic, that is, Capitalism itself, really be a possible life. And only in this waiting can the naturalised limit of oneself and of everyone be perverted: it is the Real itself that makes its arrival in us. And there in this play with the Real opens up another symbolisation that gives us a more pleasurable and loving way of living with the Other.