In the sixth chapter Lacan’s Real is analyzed and we can see the French thinker-psychoanalyst’s last teaching and in it his departure from the symbolic (because the symbolic no longer gives any more of itself at the height of its time) and with it is Lacan’s radical deepening of the feminine, And from there we can sketch a certain interpretation of the trans, of the queer, of the current human in this last thought, but this Lacanian Real always still carries within itself something of “rock”, something Kantian, which does not allow us to free ourselves completely from what torments us and causes us queers and all of us so much pain in these times of Capitalism. Lacanian theory (Lacan died in 1981 and left everything unfinished) and with it his clinic cannot give expression to the singularities, to the human monstrosities that we are. That is to say, it cannot listen to that other as an Other who perverts all limits and transgresses them. For this reason, this chapter is a settling of accounts with the best of Lacan and, at the same time, to show what makes his thought possible in the current debate. And, for this reason, it is essential to immerse ourselves in what he understands as real in order to make room for the sexual, mortal and historical that we are along with the Others that constitute us.