My perspective on the theme of suspicion is centred on the long-standing opposition between science and the humanities. Suspicion has always characterized any new scientific discovery, whether from the religious or ethical or literary viewpoint. So, we may say that suspicion has always marked the history of human thought. The theory of suspicion is entwined with the idea of hubris, the overreaching of science. A contemporary movie Ex Machina by Alex Garland (2015) is particularly emblematic for the theory of suspicion. Ava, the robot, instils in Caleb the doubt that Nathan, the scientist, is manipulating him; at the same time Nathan warns Caleb that, on the contrary, it is Ava who is manipulating him. The technique of suspicion is used by both characters to draw Caleb’s loyalty. But even more than this: the perfection of the androids makes Caleb doubt his own humaneness. This fundamental suspicion is what marks the contemporary production on posthumanism.