Teacher cognition is defined as the knowledge, thoughts, beliefs and actions of a teacher. Learning to teach is a talent that, like many others, is developed through time via the accumulation of relevant experience. Increasing our understanding of and reflection on teacher cognition is essential if we are to effectively address the most pressing problems and challenges associated with teaching at any level. Cognition in the classroom is essential because it includes elements of a teacher’s beliefs, knowledge and thinking style, all of which, either directly or indirectly, affect the teacher’s personality, as well as his or her instructional methods and approaches. In this chapter, the author explores the development of his teacher cognition, beginning with his early years of schooling and continuing through his teaching years. Throughout, the author maintains the idea that his educational and professional experiences have had a significant impact on the construction of his educator cognition. He also discusses how his educator cognition has evolved over time. Aside from that, his exposure to the learning culture has impacted his thought patterns and choices when choosing which teaching methods to use in different educational settings.