Many higher education institutions (HEIs) around the world engage in entrepreneurial activities. They aim to teach students to become entrepreneurs, to provide incubation facilities for new ventures, to undertake entrepreneurship research, to engage in knowledge exchange, and to create positive impact in society. However, these opportunities only involve a tiny percentage of the total number of students, academics, and societal stakeholders.

There is a lack of understanding of how HEIs could scale up their entrepreneurial activities to engage substantially larger numbers of people. To address this gap, the international SHINE Project, with 32 partners in 25 countries, is investigating Scaling Higher education Innovation using the Entrepreneurial mindset. A series of 15 SHINE webinars has attracted registrations from 51 countries and engaged participants in a discussion of international practice in entrepreneurship education.

Phase 1 of the Project in 2022/2023 has been completed. A content analysis of nine webinars has identified draft recommendations, in relation to teaching & learning approaches and student engagement & outcomes, that are of practical use to entrepreneurship educators in a diverse range of national contexts.

Phase 2 of the Project during 2023/2024 will involve a content analysis of a further six webinars, related to the application of the entrepreneurial mindset to change management in higher education. The goal is to produce recommendations that can inform institutional strategies and national policy-making, with regard to advancing entrepreneurship education, drawing on the diverse range of contributors to the international SHINE Project.