This chapter analyses the contributory role of the African Union in promoting and defending Africa’s position on matters of common interest to the peoples of Africa. It highlights the need to fulfil the objectives of the Constitutive Act of the African Union 2000. Three core objectives relevant to this chapter are promoting and protecting the human rights of the peoples of Africa by the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and other relevant human rights instruments; promoting sustainable development at the economic, social, and cultural levels as well as the integration of African economies and promoting cooperation in all fields of human activity to uplift the living standards of African peoples. It argues that resolution ACHPR/Res.22(XIX)96 requires the African Union to act on the implementation of laws, principles, and initiatives of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Furthermore, the chapter identifies core guidelines and initiatives suitable for the protection of the rights to development and environment of vulnerable communities of Indigenous peoples and rural dwellers in Africa. Relying on various resolutions of the African Commission and relevant international human rights law and initiatives, this chapter recommends an all-inclusive socioeconomic developmental approach. It concludes that the AU has the responsibility to implement these resolutions and declarations as they will help to improve the living standard of African peoples and particularly enhance the economic, social, and environmental development of Indigenous peoples and rural communities in Africa.