While ‘colonialism' pertains to particular times in history when certain powers exerted imperial domination over other countries, ‘coloniality' refers to the internal logic of colonialism, which seeks to control and dominate the world. This chapter considers Rius's critical history of Mexico's economic, political, and cultural dependence from the Spanish conquest to the present day, through the lens of decolonial thought, with a focus on the comics 2010: Ni independencia ni revolucion and La interminable conquista de Mexico. Amongst Rius's recurring topics is Mexico's lack of effective economic, political, and cultural independence as well as the uneven distribution of wealth within the country, despite the independence and the Mexican Revolution. Decolonial thought sees capitalism as a system that affects all aspects of daily life rather than solely economic relations between centres and peripheries. Decolonial thought, nonetheless, does not suggest an utter and complete rejection of all systems inherited from colonial times but rather a subversion of the established power relations.