This final chapter summarises the book’s key lessons on effectively leading hybrid organisations. It poses a series of questions on critical topics and provides research-backed answers and practical implications. The chapter discusses how leaders must change their mindset to embrace flexibility, empowerment and a future-oriented mindset. It explores strategies to build cohesive culture through purposeful in-person interactions, change management guided by Force Field Analysis and adapting work based on personalities. Effective communication methods for hybrid teams are outlined, with an emphasis on brief online meetings, optimised face-time and cultural divide bridging. Reducing security risks, preventing burnout and boosting well-being also receive attention. Finally, the chapter looks at leadership styles that are well-suited for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments, such as Ernest Shackleton’s, with a focus on meeting core psychological needs, fostering psychological safety and taking a ‘leader as healer’ approach. In summary, this concluding chapter provides insightful and actionable guidelines to help leaders successfully guide their organisations through the hybrid transition.