The theme of this chapter is how to create a sense of belonging in a hybrid organisation in order to improve recruitment and retention. The chapter explores how people form attachments to one another, to groups and to places. It discusses John Bowlby’s attachment theory and how we all have an innate need to bond with others for security and belonging. The chapter explains how physical proximity impacts the quality of communication and collaboration, citing Thomas Allen’s research on the ‘Allen Curve’. It emphasises the importance of in-person interactions, shared experiences and a sense of group identity for hybrid teams to thrive. Readers will learn strategies to strengthen attachments in hybrid teams, such as regular face-to-face meetings, thoughtful workspace design, social activities and navigating group development stages. Key concepts covered include ‘tribes’, social collisions, vulnerability and the stages of team formation. This chapter provides valuable insights into the human need for connection, and practical steps leaders can take to build cohesive, high-performing hybrid teams.