Urban air transport (UAT) or urban aerial mobility (UAM) is a concept that explains transportation within urban areas. One of the advantages of UAT is it will substantially reduce the amount of traffic on the roads. It is considered as one of the methods in solving urban traffic. Road transportation is always congested and keeps on increasing over the year, which has negative effects on tourism activities in terms of road accessibility, travel time, travel experience, and many more. New enhancement on technology driven over the year creates multiple possibilities of creating a new idea on the UAT concept to maximize the level of transportation. At present, many aviation players have started to plan to create their own model of UAT to suit their demographic areas. The concept of UAT attracts a lot of attention as it may benefit societies and companies, as well as tourism activities. This chapter discusses UAT and the future of tourism since transportation is regarded as one of the main issues in shaping the tourism networks and supporting sustainability tourism.