In this chapter, the author draws upon her first-person perspective as both a researcher and teaching assistant (TA), to explore the potential impact of assistants such as herself as facilitators of learning and engagement in the pursuit of social justice, with a specific focus on enhancing the future life chances of students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This is seen in relation to a TA’s role in helping to cultivate inclusive and supportive learning environments that not only have the potential to foster students’ academic growth but also instil a profound sense of belonging within educational communities. Further, the author also discusses a number of challenges faced by TAs that ironically, given their role in supporting social justice in education for young people with SEND, may be viewed as contravening principles of social justice for themselves. These challenges include inadequate salary levels not commensurate with their roles or for basic living, unrealistic workload demands and lack of access to free professional development needed for their own personal growth as well as for acquiring the expertise to meet students’ special learning needs.

The chapter aims to provoke critical reflection and dialogue to argue the case for transformative actions that can collectively address the social injustices faced by students with SEND and the TAs by whom they are supported. Ultimately, it advocates for an educational system that truly upholds the principles of social justice for all learners.

This chapter discusses a number of issues that are relevant to the multifaceted role of TAs:

How TAs can serve as catalysts for positive transformation of young people’s learning and engagement.

TAs’ possible contribution in fostering inclusive practices in educational institutions and equity, which, in this sense, means providing additional or special resources for students with SEND to be able to access the curriculum.

The stark realities of social injustices experienced by TAs themselves within the educational system.

The myriad challenges they encounter within the web of systemic barriers.

The pressing issue of TA shortages prevalent in schools throughout England, together with the far-reaching repercussions on their professional practice, students’ educational experiences and the overall vitality of educational institutions.