The Freedom & Captivity Curriculum Project designed curricula for college courses, discussion groups, and community classes taught by incarcerated people. Hosted by Colby College and supported by an American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) “Sustaining Public Engagement Grant,” we explored restorative justice, transformative justice, and abolitionist practices for Maine's future, including podcasts, exhibitions, performances, film and photography, workshops, presentations, and didactic materials. In 2022, while still incarcerated, Linda Small joined the Freedom & Captivity Curriculum Project team to write a curriculum, facilitate a pilot class, develop a facilitator guidebook, and train facilitators. This first-of-its-kind project will be uploaded onto technology used inside Maine's prisons. The following narrative reveals Linda's experience in developing and facilitating the curriculum, learning about restorative practices in the wake of harm, and embracing the unexpected intimacy of her team and pilot class participants.